Free Nations of PostRussia Forum: PostRussia & New Architecture of Collective Security: effective counteraction to the tyranny Axis of RF-PRC-Iran-DPRK,
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Media Forum


Ingria: the price of freedom / movie 4

- who were Ingrian Ingrians and how did they make themselves known in 1917?
- what helped peaceful Ingrian peasants to organize their own army and a small state?
- why were the Whites and the Reds against Ingrian autonomy and whose side in the civil war did Ingrian Ingrians choose?
- how did a former Russian Lifeguard lead the Ingrian national movement and what made him famous? how did a former Russian lifeguard become the leader of the Ingrian national movement and what made him famous?
- why did the Finns sacrifice Ingermanland and what did the Bolsheviks promise in return?
- and why do the events of the beginning of the last century still inspire freedom fighters?



Free Nations of Postrussia

The goals of the Forum are: the reconstruction and structural transformation of Russia, the economic and political development of historical-cultural regions and autonomies, the full implementation of civil rights and freedoms, and peoples’ social well-being.

Forum participants develop approaches to the independent post-Putin nation states transitional administrations and governments creation, discuss minimizing risks of uncontrolled collapse in key sectors (including demilitarization with a complete rejection of the nuclear arsenal), form the new European collective security architecture and develop policies of peaceful, good-neighborly coexistence of the new independent republics of Russia and neighboring countries.


Reconstruction and structural transformation

involves changing the administrative and territorial structure of post-Putin Russia. This process is a transition from an authoritarian imperial state to a galaxy of free, independent and democratic countries that can provide a decent standard of living, comfort, rights, prosperity and development for their own citizens, as well as sustainable peace in Eurasia.


De-imperialization and Decolonization

will allow every nation and every region with separate cultural identity, history and economy, to fully realize the right for self-determination. Nations of Russia will gain sovereignty, subjectivity and independence — both political, economic and cultural.


Deputinization and Denazification

is the only chance to defeat the corrupt imperial power elite, which destroys all dissenters and suppresses as harshly as possible any attempts by popular leaders to resist the criminal system. This process consists from an impartial investigation of the crimes of the regime, a tribunal for the organizers, ideologists and lustration for direct participants.


Demilitarization and Denuclearization

are necessary to minimize casualties in case of the dictatorial regime fall and to eliminate all risks associated with the possibility of using the remnants of the Russian nuclear arsenal in regional conflicts, international terrorism and other threats to collective security.


Economic and Social changes

should prevent the collapse of legal and economic institutions during transition period, prevent the people’s economic ruin and guarantee the sustainability of cooperation between new political and economic entities. Citizens of each region will find the best organizational form for their land: republics, unions, federations, confederations etc.










Among the attendees and speakers at the Forum are opposition activists and politicians, including those currently in forced exile, leaders of national movements in various regions of Russia, as well as statesmen, diplomats, and politicians from Europe, Asia, and North America. The participants also include military experts, economists, political scientists, religious authorities, and journalists.

Janusz Bugajski
analyst, author, lecturer, consultant, senior fellow at the Jamestown Foundation Washington D.C.
ethnographer, candidate of historical sciences, Buryat National Movement
Batyr Boromangnaev
Deputy of the Kalmyk Congress of Self-Government of the Oirat-Kalmyk People
Kuzahmetov Maxim
historian, publicist, journalist, presenter of programs on “Echo of Moscow” and “Echo of St. Petersburg”
Магомед Ториев
authorized representative of the Committee of Ingush Independence
Нафис Кашапов
representative of the public movement “Free Idel-Ural” in Poland
Кейси Мишель
writer, analyst, investigative journalist
Беслан Кмузов
journalist, activist of the Circassian national movement
Pavel Ivlev
Director of the "House of Ingria" (Narva, Estonia), Chairman of the "Committee of Russian Economic Freedom"
Ruslan Gabbasov
representative of the Bashkort national movement in exile
Aida Abdrakhmanova
Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Independent Tatarstan
Nikita Andreev
representative of the national movement "Free Yakutia Foundation"


Board of coordination, moderation and development of the forum

Рафис Кашапов

Prime Minister of the Government of Independent Tatarstan.One of the co-founders of the Free Idel-Ural movement, UK.He was the first person convicted in Russia to be sentenced to 3 years in prison for publicly criticizing the annexation of Crimea and condemning Putin for military actions in Donbass.

Andrius Almanis

President of the Institute of Regions of Russia, Chairman of the international support society "The Way to the Dream", publicist, writer, playwright

Павел Мезерин

Political scientist, analyst, journalist, expert on Ukrainian-Russian relations. Civic activist. Coordinator of the "Free Ingria" movement. Born and lived until 2014 in St. Petersburg, political emigrant.

Инна Курочкина

journalist, producer of INEWS,representative of the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.Ukrainian, born in Georgia Pr since 2010.


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